Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bravery with Hair

So about two weeks ago I got really brave and got my hair cut shorter than I've ever had it before. I'm putting up some pictures so you don't have to look so shocked the next time you see me. I think I like it, but about an hour after the cut I was asking myself, "What did I just do?!?"

Aaron likes it a lot more than I thought he would. He says it's like he has a new wife. (I guess that is a good thing?)

I like it as a nice change, but I'm still trying to learn how to style it. And I'm missing not being able to pull it back into a ponytail. I probably won't keep it this short, so here's some pictures to prove my bravery:


Cory & Alli said...

I love it! Sooo cute!

Smith Family said...

it is soooooooo cute!! makes me want my hair like that!!! i'm jealous

Melanie said...

I am shocked and amazed!!!!!! So adorable! You should keep it! So impressed with you!

Iris said...

I LOVE YOUR HAIRCUT!!!!!!!! It looks sooooooo good on you =)