Sunday, June 29, 2008

Swimming Fun

Now that the weather has finally warmed up here in Utah, we've enjoyed our first few times swimming this summer. Maddie loves swimming around in her floaties. Ken just loves being in the water--whether it's the bathtub or the swimming pool.

Thanks Alli & Cory and Adam & Aujelle for sharing your pools!

Kennedy's Mischief

Normally Kennedy is a great sleeper. When she is tired, we just have to rock her a few minutes (or even seconds) with her head on our shoulder, lie her down in her crib with her pacifier ("pass") and her little security blanket ("kee-kee"). (These are hand-me-down Murray nicknames. Ken can't say them yet, but she knows exactly what they are and will fetch them if asked.) She'll usually go to bed without a peep.

However, it seems as though she may be transitioning from two naps to one. It's hard to tell what with the later summer nights, new molars coming in, and her getting over a second and more vicious case of croup. But here is what she does when we put her down to sleep and she decides she is not tired after all:
She doesn't usually cry but instead throws all of her blankies and pacifiers out of the crib. Then she yells out to us until we come pick them up for her. She gets pretty excited when we come back in the room. As Maddie would say, "She's a stinker, but she sure is cute!"

Friday, June 27, 2008

Heard at the Hansen home...

(The following conversation took place while Mom and Maddie were watching a cooking segment on television--Maddie loves them as much as her mom does.)

Maddie: Can we cook that today?
Mom: Sure.
Maddie: But we'll need to go to the store to buy the stuff?
Mom: Yes, we will.
Maddie: Does it have tomatoes in it?
Mom: Nope.
Maddie: Good! I don't like tomatoes. I don't like tomatoes, crust, or sun in my eyes.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Aaron!

Here's a video of one of Maddie and Kennedy's
favorite things to do with their daddy:

Big Girl Kennedy

Kennedy thinks she is all grown up these days!

Here's how she likes to wear her purses:

And she insisted on wearing Maddie's shoes:

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Summer Pictures

I took the girls to get their pictures taken last week. Luckily my mom was there to help because getting a newly-walking one-year-old to stand/sit still for pictures proved to be quite difficult! We were surprised that any of Kennedy's pictures turned out at all--but there are a few cute ones. It's a good thing because I'm not going through this picture-taking ordeal again any time soon!

Grandma & Grandpa brought back
the dresses from their last trip to Hawaii.

Ken was waving to Grandma.

The only way we could get Kennedy to hold still:

"I've had enough Mom!"

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend at the Zoo

The highlight of our Memorial Day weekend was a trip to the zoo with our friends Nate & Andrea and their kids, Carter & Megan.

What we've been up to...

Here's a little recap of our little adventures during the last few weeks:

Having fun in the dress-up box
(I think I can use this as blackmail when she is older)

Having fun outside

Getting stuck in her toy bin

(She got a little angry when I kept taking pictures
instead of helping her get out!)

And a first trip to the dentist!--
which resulted in no cavities
and an Ariel toothbrush.