Sunday, June 8, 2008

Summer Pictures

I took the girls to get their pictures taken last week. Luckily my mom was there to help because getting a newly-walking one-year-old to stand/sit still for pictures proved to be quite difficult! We were surprised that any of Kennedy's pictures turned out at all--but there are a few cute ones. It's a good thing because I'm not going through this picture-taking ordeal again any time soon!

Grandma & Grandpa brought back
the dresses from their last trip to Hawaii.

Ken was waving to Grandma.

The only way we could get Kennedy to hold still:

"I've had enough Mom!"


Growinguptogether said...

Your pictures turned out super cute, I'm actually impressed at how often you get their pictures. The last time I got the boys picture was right after JD was born. One picture of the three of them turned out so good that I haven't wanted to take them back to update the photos. I'm sure deep down that this is just an excuss for not wanting to deal with the hassel of studio pictures

michelle grange said...

Their pictures turned out so good! I can't get over how much the girls look alike. They are adorable! Kennedy is such a good walker too.

Smith Family said...

Oh! Those pictures turned out so so so cute!! Their little smiles are a lot alike in that one picture. I love the pretty little dresses too. Impressive that you were able to do an outfit change in the photo shoot. Thanks for sharing them!