Monday, March 31, 2008

Easter Highlights

Our Easter celebrations began with an Easter egg hunt at the city park. It was quite the experience! Hundreds of people were gathered at the field, lined up behind the yellow tape. We were at a special section for 3 to 5 year olds. We heard a loud horn, followed by all of the parents yelling, "Go!", "Run!", "Get the eggs!" The little children ran frantically all over the field, passing eggs close by to get the one they spotted farther away. Several kids around us immediately began crying since the chaos overwhelmed them. I tried to videotape some of the hunt, but within 15 seconds, the field was clear of eggs and swarming with people. Luckily I had sent Aaron out to follow Maddie or else we would never have found her again in the huge crowd. For being only 3 years old, Maddie was a successful egg hunter--she gathered seven eggs in the commotion. We had a lot of fun and plan to make it a tradition!

Dyeing eggs

No Easter dress is complete without a hat & gloves, right?

We enjoyed a nice Easter dinner at my cousin Krystal's house.

cute little Kennedy


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Cory & Alli said...

I wish I could have seen the girls in their dresses! They look adorable! "How big is Kenna? ...SOO BIG!"