Sunday, February 3, 2008

Snow Day

Could it be possible? Another foot of snow?!? We girls awoke this Sunday morning to find snowpack covering our windows, and a peek out the front door revealed near blizzard conditions. Aaron had left an hour earlier for Bishopric meetings, and I couldn't even see his tiretracks in the driveway. Not much later, he telephoned with the news that church was cancelled for the day. When he arrived home, there was so much snow in the driveway that the car got stuck and couldn't even make it to the garage.

Aaron joined other men from the neighborhood with shovels, snowblowers, and snowplows attached to ATVs and spent the next hour or two clearing driveways, sidewalks, and roads. Maddie couldn't resist the fun and joined in for a little while. Aaron measured over 23" of snow in our backyard (and there were only a few inches leftover from previous storms). I know the snow is good for Utah's drought conditions, but I think we've all had enough already!

1 comment:

Growinguptogether said...

My boys love looking at your blog, they especially like the snow pictures. I was so glad I clicked on it, I have loved the song you have on it since I was in junior high, it's orginally done by a group called Yazz however, I've had a hard time finding it. I like this version better.
Alex looks so grown up and handsome in his mission call pictures. I hope he gets placed in our ward, we have the missionaries over for dinner all the time, and Ryan goes on slits with them every sunday. These slits have proven to be very successful, Ryan just babtised 3 people as a result of them. Hope you can enjoy being illness free soon, I know how tiring that can be. Love, Vicky