Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sealing of Joni & Brock

An emeritus General Authority spoke at my Uncle Scott's funeral a few weeks ago. He said that in his experience, there are three significant life events at which the Spirit speaks to us most strongly: the birth of a new baby, a temple sealing, and a funeral ceremony. Yesterday was a uniquely spiritual day for us since we were able to witness both our prophet's funeral services as well as the temple sealing of my friend Joni to her husband Brock. It was such a beautiful yet brisk day, and we were grateful to be able to experience it all.

Congratulations to Brock and Joni! Brock was baptized a member of the LDS church one year ago, and the two were married last June. We're so happy that they were able to make their marriage an eternal one yesterday, and we're thankful we were able to attend their ceremony.

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