Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Doing Our Part

We at the Hansen household take our nation's economic struggles to heart. We aren't ones to sit idly by while watching the country sink further into a recession. After some thoughtful analysis, we decided on a course of spending that would help stimulate the nation's economy. Here's what we purchased:

Maddie modeling the new furnace

Kennedy entranced by the new TV & entertainment center
Those of you who know us well know that we aren't usual spendthrifts. The truth of the matter is that after several months of slow decline, our furnace finally kicked the bucket. And what with the unusually cold spring we've been enduring (yes, there was snow on our lawn this morning!), we couldn't put off a replacement. Luckily my parents were kind enough to let us camp out at their place for the weekend while our furnace was out. The pictures below show how much fun Kennedy had at Grandma & Papa's house, and Maddie couldn't believe she was lucky enough to have a 3-night sleepover!

And Aaron somehow convinced me that we should replace our perfectly fine television and hand-me-down entertainment center with a flat-screen LCD TV and new entertainment center. And thanks to an awesome accountant we have(he he), our tax refund was able to cover all of the purchases.

Ken climbing up on the humidifier

Kennedy's favorite way to get around at Grandma's
(my video's pretty short, but she pushes this around the whole house!)

So, how are you spending your tax refund or rebate this year?


Adam and Aujelle said...

Your TV looks great. Well we are not spending ours on anything, becuase we dont get anything back.
:( Maybe next year.

Cory & Alli said...

You get a TV and I get glasses and wisdom teeth out!?! No fair!

Growinguptogether said...

Ryan is so jealous of the TV. The Vette and surf board just aren't as much as a thret to me as a nice TV would be, how long do you think I can hold out?