Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Kennedy!

After a long blogging drought caused by another busy tax season and Aaron's last semester of school all while trying to sell our home, we are back! And we are happy to share the highlights of Kennedy's second birthday!

Although Kennedy has definitely hit the "terrible twos," she is still our sweet little girl. Here are a few current things about Kennedy:

  • Nicknames: Kenna, Ken
  • Favorite foods: macaroni and cheese, fruit
  • Favorite things to do: snuggle, read books, play with Maddie, color, dance, take baths, swing
  • Least favororite things to do: go to sleep, go to nursery or anywhere without her parents, have a bow in her hair
  • Funniest sayings: "Bop!" (she always tells us to stop singing), "Mammeye nice!" ("Maddie, be nice!")
  • Favorite toys: rubber ducks, little people castle set, dress-up, dolls, bubbles
  • Favorite tv show: "Neh-nehs" (Little Einsteins)
  • Favorite movie: "Deh-dehs" (Princess, as in Enchanted) and "Ooool" (High School Musical, thanks Alli)

For over two months now, Kennedy has been climbing out of her crib. (I think both of my daughters inherited their father's climbing genes). As the pictures below show, sleeping has become much more of a struggle lately.

She refuses to sleep in her crib or even in Maddie's bed, but instead, she prefers the floor. Taking away her pacifier when she turned two only made the problem worse. But since we hope to be moving soon, we are trying to endure it until we move to a new home with her own bed and a new routine. It can't come soon enough though!

Until then, this may be the norm...


Iris said...

Happy Birthday to Kennedy! How is the house selling going? Where are you moving???

michelle grange said...

Happy 2nd Birthday Kennedy! We love you and hope you had a great bday!

Melanie said...

She is so cute! I find it interesting that she and Peter are both so into rubber ducks! Call me when you can! Love ya!

Adam and Aujelle said...

That's so funny that she wont sleep in her crib anymore. What a funny girl!

Melissa said...

I was thinking about you all through tax season - glad you made it! I'm thinking that little sleeping dilemma might save you a few bucks from buying her a new bed!

Jared and Holly said...

Isn't it such a fun age! I'm glad Kaylee stays in her crib though. That would make bedtime even tougher than it is. Are you moving out of state? I'm glad you survived tax season!