Sunday, January 25, 2009

Surfin' Santa

Here are some pictures and video of Maddie's first dance recital. It is a few weeks late, but cute nonetheless!

In the video you can see Maddie on the far left. She did much better than I thought she would! You'll notice she watches her teacher who is hiding in the wings, and she looks down at the ground frequently to make sure she is still standing exactly on her spot. Sorry it's a little shaky--I was laughing a lot! Thanks to everyone who came! (You'll want to turn off my blog's music before you watch the video.)

Stay tuned for pictures of our Bahamas vacation!


Growinguptogether said...

So cute! For now I hope that I have some granddaughters to watch these adorable recitals. Then again I think of all the time that my parents sat waiting for my few minutes of glory at all my dance recitals and wonder if I'm that patient.

Jessica said...

How fun! I can't wait for Lexie to be old enough for dance and she any Kennedy can be on stage together! Maddie was way cute in her costume!

Melissa said...

Maddie is quite the dancer!