Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I hope all the mothers out there enjoyed their special day of a little extra appreciation and attention. Aaron celebrated with me by taking me out on a surprise date night to the Melting Pot restaurant Friday night. The food was delicious and we definitely recommend it! He also cooked a yummy breakfast for me this morning, gave me 2 dozen beautiful roses, and gave me a new smoothie maker (from the girls:)).

Some of you may have seen this JCPenney Mother's day commercial from last year. I love it and thought it would be an appropriate posting for today. (You'll also see where we found the music for our blog!) Enjoy.

Alex at the MTC

Last Wednesday we dropped my brother Alex off at the Missionary Training Center. He'll be a great missionary and he was so excited to go. We're proud of him and will miss him!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Watch Kennedy Walk!

Here is the video I promised of Kennedy walking. She already looks like a pro! Quite impressive considering only a few weeks ago she wanted nothing to do with walking!

12 Month Check-Up

Kennedy had her 12-month check-up last week. She weighs 20 lbs. 10 oz., which puts her at 50% for her weight. She is 30 inches tall, which is taller than 75% of girls her age. So, she continues to grow tall like her sister, but weighs a few pounds less than Maddie did at her age. Look at how good she is at standing!


On Saturday, Maddie had fun playing with her cousin Isaac...
Kennedy had fun playing with her cousin Lincoln....
And we all enjoyed meeting our new little cousin/niece, Anika! Congratulations Lisa & Jer!