Friday, December 14, 2007

December Highlights

Here are some highlights of the first few weeks of December:

Kennedy is learning how to drink from a cup.
She makes a funny face when she tastes the water.

Kennedy loves to bounce in her jumper.

The first two Saturdays of the month brought us lots of snow!
Maddie had fun playing in it.
Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture of Aaron's snow slide
before some passersby knocked it over.
Maddie loves to play in boxes and baskets
with her sister.

Kennedy got sick for the first time. Poor little thing.
Here she is snoozing with her daddy.
She's feeling better now.

1 comment:

Growinguptogether said...

Hey, we are excited to see you in a day or two. Cute pics. There's nothing sweeter then seeing babies sleep by their daddies.