Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kennedy's Month-In-Review

Since we've been busy remodeling our kitchen, starting Aaron's graduate school, and preparing Madelyn for preschool this past month, here are some catch-up pictures.

Twice now I have found Kennedy holding on to the side of her cradle & the bumper pad in her sleep.

We introduced Kennedy to her exersaucer this last week, and she seems to enjoy it. Maddie loves to spin her baby sister around and around in circles until I catch her and give her a time out.

Kennedy's absolutely favorite baby item is her sling. She hardly makes a peep when she is in it, and I love having her close to me while having my hands free. We've been using it more and more often these days, and when we're out in public, people can't help but smile when they see us.

Kennedy has rolled over three times this past week, from stomach to back each time.

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