Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fun with Hansen II

We had a great time with Aaron's brother's family who came out from Pennsylvania a few weeks ago! Maddie especially loved playing with her 5-year-old cousin, Ella, and all of Dave's kids were so cute with Kennedy. Here are some pictures of us (Hansen III) with Dave's family (Hansen II).

Do you think they look alike?

the Hansen II family:
Dave, Lily, Wendy,
Coleman, Mead, Clayton, Ella, and Macy

(my husband is so cheesy)

all of the girls

Hi Ken!

And a cute video clip of the girls playing:

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hailey's Wedding

Yesterday I got to attend the wedding of my childhood best friend, Hailey Smith. It was great to see her and her family again since I hadn't seen them in several years. Everything was so elegant and beautiful. Congratulations to Hailey and Steve!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Maddie turns 4! - Part II

It took a while to recover from the birthday party with eight 3-& 4-year-olds, but we're back with part II of Maddie's fun-filled 4th Birthday!

First, here are some facts about Madelyn:

Born: Friday, August 6, 2004 at 2:51 AM (after 31 miserable hours of labor)

Favorite color: red (Red is also her dad's favorite color, which is why Maddie likes to refer to him as "Matching-favorite-colors.")

Favorite food: crepes (that her daddy makes, with chocolate filling of course)

Favorite movie: Toy Story (the first one)

Favorite mischievous act: sneaking fistfuls of cake! (when will she outgrow this? and when will I learn she can't be trusted alone in the same room as a cake?!?)

Favorite mispronounced words: "crash cran" (trash can), "yolee bar" (granola bar), "skabetti" (spaghetti)

Dislikes: tomatoes, crust, and sun in her eyes (see previous June post, "Heard at the Hansen home")

Maddie's Quote of the day (said with great enthusiasm) : "Now that I'm 4 years old I get four-minute time-outs!!!"

We love you Madelyn!

Here are some more birthday pics. What a fun day!

Dinner at Texas Roadhouse
The servers sang while Maddie rode the saddle!

Snow White Princess cake

I must be turning into my Grandma Sylvia--
taking pictures of all of my cakes...

On the way to dinner,
Maddie covered herself in her new lip gloss
that Martha gave her for her birthday.

Maddie turns 4!

Today is Madelyn's 4th birthday! Every morning for the past week she has awoken with the question: "Is today my birthday?!?" This morning we finally got to answer, "Yes, it is!"

The day began with some fun presents from Mom, Dad, and Kennedy. Then Maddie got to go out to breakfast with her dad and to pick out some balloons for her party.

Her princess party has been in the works for a while now, and it was a great success!

We decorated wands...

played some games,...
and ate yummy cupcakes!

Megan, Shelby, Maddie, Raeya, Martha
Heather, Paige, and Luke

proof that Kennedy was there too!

And the day is not over yet! Stay tuned for Part II...