Sunday, July 22, 2007

Splish Splash

Yesterday, we had fun in the water at the annual Hansen Family Reunion. First, Maddie got drenched at the park's drinking fountain while trying to cool off with her cousins. Then we all took a refreshing dip in the pool--even little Kennedy. She seemed to enjoy her first time swimming, and she looked adorable in her teeny weeny bikini!

Presidential Cousins

This week we met Maddie & Kennedy's newest cousin, Lincoln. In addition to sharing names of assassinated presidents, Kennedy & Lincoln also shared the same due date and were born only four days apart. We love having Holly, Isaac, & Lincoln visiting from Arizona!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Kennedy Pictures

Here are some pictures of Kennedy for the week.

Playing games

Her latest development: always
bringing her hands and/or blanket to her mouth

Snoozing with Daddy

Potty Power

This week we have started potty training again, after a failed attempt last fall. Luckily, Maddie is much more ready this time around and has had some great success! We still have more practice ahead of us, but each day seems to get a little better. She loves watching her potty movies, "Potty Power" and "No More Diapers." I think her daddy loves singing those catchy potty songs even more than she does!

Sittin' on the potty

The bearded lady

Reading to Kennedy

A Day at the Zoo

A week ago we were invited to go to the Hogle Zoo with Aaron's MBA program. We had fun despite the 100 degree temperature! We made it a quick trip because it was so hot & difficult to keep the baby out of the sun. Thank goodness for the zoo's giant water fans that spray mist in your face! We look forward to going back again once it cools down a little.

At the bird show

Seeing the giraffes

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Blessing Day

We blessed Kennedy in church on Sunday. It was a perfect day! The blessing was beautiful, and the baby didn't make a peep. We were grateful for so many of our family members and friends who came. Afterwards, we had a nice brunch in our backyard, which looked great thanks to Aaron's many landscaping hours.

Two Month Checkup

Kennedy had her two-month checkup yesterday. She weighs 11 pounds 14 ounces (greater than 75% of girls her age) and is 23 1/2 inches long (90%). Her head is in the 55%, unlike her older sister whose head has always been 100% or off the charts. The nurse couldn't get over how cute our little baby is!

I was as prepared as I could be for her first set of vaccinations, but poor little Kennedy had no idea what was coming. She screamed so hard when she got the four shots; it broke my heart since she never cries like that. Luckily she calmed down fairly quickly, but she kept letting out intermittant wails as if to tell me how bad it was. Aside from crying a little bit easier than usual, she seems to be fine today.

Before Kennedy's first shots...

And after.